Advantages of Using React Native for App Development

Advantages of Using React Native for App Development

Here, we will see how to become a React native developer.

What is React Native?

React Native is a popular open-source mobile application development framework created by Facebook in 2015. It makes cross-platform mobile applications with true native capabilities using JavaScript. It means you can create natively rendered mobile apps for iOS and Android with a single codebase. Join FITA Academy for the best React Native Training in Chennai.

Why Choose React Native?

React Native is built primarily on JavaScript, a web development technology. As a result, JavaScript developers can quickly create mobile apps with React Native. It eliminates the need for developers to learn complex programming languages such as Objective-C and Java to create an app.

Advantages of Using React Native for App Development:

Reusability of Code:

React native developers do not need to write different codes for each platform (Android and iOS). Around 90% of the code can be reused between the two platforms, significantly increasing development speed and efficiency.

Native Look and Feel:

React Native components correspond to native development components. It combines native user interface building blocks with JavaScript to give the app a native appearance.

Live Reload:

React Native’s life reloads feature allows you to work with changes in real-time. While the app is loading, you can change the code, which will be reflected in the app with an automatic reload. You can also reload a specific area of change to speed up the compilation process. React Native Online Course provides you with more benefits for your career enhancement.

UI Focused:

It uses the React JavaScript library to create fast and responsive app interfaces. It has excellent rendering capabilities and employs a component-based approach, making it simple to create both simple and complex UI designs.

Cost Efficiency:

The react native code is reusable and can help you save up to 40% on development costs. It does not require development teams to create Android and iOS applications. It has more components to speed up the development process.

Third-Party Plugins:

React Native provides some third-party plugin options, including JavaScript-based and native modules. Third-party plugins eradicate the need for specific web view functions and help improve the app’s functionality and performance.

Large Community Support:

It was created in response to a developer community need. As a result, it has a community-driven approach with over 50,000 active contributors. Facebook engineers are continuously developing and updating the platform, and the presence of such enthusiasts makes it easier to obtain expert assistance.


Now, you would have understood the Advantages of Using React Native for App Development. So, to have a better understanding of React native, you can join React Native Course in Bangalore and learn its benefits, functions and features.